
Handvo and Fafda-Jalebi Gujarat famous food

Gujarati famous food Handvo There are many delectable savory dishes in Gujarati cuisine that are perfect for a snack or light supper. One such fermented food is Handvo, which is made with rice, a variety of lentils, and a large number of vegetables, including bottle gourd, carrots, fresh herbs, and greens. seasoned with mustard, cumin,…


Dabeli and Doodhpak Famous Gujarati Food

Gujarati famous food Dabeli Dabeli is a portable food that originated in Gujarat’s Kutch region. It is a type of fast food. The term “Dabeli” means “pressed.”Other names for Dabeli are Kutchidabeli and Kacchidabeli. Dabeli consists mostly of a spicy, tangy, and sweet potato mixture within an Indian-style bun that has been topped with pomegranate,…


Read about Thepla Famous Food Gujarat

Thepla is a fenugreek leaf-studded flatbread made of wholemeal wheat flour and spices that are frequently consumed for breakfast or as a snack in the late afternoon. Without this common snack, no Gujarati excursion, picnic, international trip, or even work trip is complete. They make filling dinners when served steaming hot with fresh curd, pickles,…