What is Throat Pain?
Throat pain or pharyngitis is a condition that can be easily prevented or treated by using some of the below home remedies or medication. Cough is a protective reflex that helps expel external particles/ respiratory secretions from air passage. Cough is a major symptom of throat pain that can be useful /productive/ wet or useless/non-productive/ dry cough. There are various home remedies for throat pain like; gargling with salt water, taking steam, and many more.
Antitussives suppress dry cough and expectorants for the expulsion of productive cough.
- Climate change or dryness.
- Air pollution or allergies.
- Sinus problems, Respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, strep throat, swollen glands asthma, etc.
- The flu or cold is a bacterial or viral infection.
- Acid reflux
- Nasal congestion.
Symptoms –
- Hoarseness in voice or dry voice
- Itchiness, irritation, or inflammation in the throat
- Pain in ears, headache, or tiredness
- Cough, runny nose, pain while swallowing food.
Home remedies for throat pain-
- Gargle- Gargle with salt water, ginger water, honey, and lemon helps to relax the throat irritation and swelling and can cure the pain.
- Steam/Humidifier – Taking steam for 15- 20 min in cold and cough gives relief to the throat pain.
- Honey- Sweetening agent honey is also antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. It can prevent throat pain by daily consumption of tea or water.
- Liquorice/ Yashtimadhu – Glycyrrhiza glabra acts as an expectorant essentially used in throat infections.
- Ginger- Ginger and other condiments help to suppress microbes and keep the throat healthy and painless.
- Baking soda – Sodium bicarbonate with tea or water can help to neutralize acid present in the throat due to acid reflux and treat inflammation.
- Vasaka- It is an anti-viral ingredient that also acts as an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. It can help to treat sore throat.
- Turmeric milk- Haldi being antibacterial helps to treat one of the causes of throat infection.
- Soup- Hot soup can also reduce redness, irritation and throat pain, and especially bad/ dry cough.
- Bettle leaves – It is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. With preventing bad breath it also helps in cough suppression.
Some other Home Remedies for Throat Pain
- Marshmallow – Marshmallow roots contain mucilage which is gelatinous material that helps to mitigate sore throat.
- Sage- Sage tea is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial that is beneficial to treat mouth wounds and infections and also cures throat pain.
- Hydration – In the case of fever, dehydration can occur leading to a dry, itchy throat, so warm water or tea is helpful.
- Warm compress- Use a hot water bottle or a towel over your throat to reduce the pain.
- Lozenges- Lozenges like Vicks, strepsils, and even throat spray can work out to relieve throat pain. Consult a doctor if throat pain persists even after a week.
- Cough syrups are useful to treat throat pain in case of high temperature or infections.
- Tea, coffee, and chocolate contain alkaloid content that acts as bronchial dilation.
- Antitussives like anti-inflammatory- chlorpheniramine is also helpful.
In the case of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/ COPD lung infection can occur and bronchodilators are the solution and are also used in asthma such as salbutamol.
Physical test- it is the examination by looking at the mouth and identifying the physical symptoms that appear.
Rapid test/ Swab test- doctors perform a swab test to check the type of infection ( viral, bacterial- streptococcus) in throat pain. In the case of strep throat antibiotics are recommended.
According to the diagnosis, the doctor proceeds with the treatment – Analgesics, antibiotics, or even surgical removal if required as in the case of tonsillitis.