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Home Remedy For Cough

16 Effective Natural Remedies For Cough

A cough is one of the most typical conditions for which people visit a doctor. A pulmonologist, a physician who focuses on lung diseases, may need to be consulted in about 40% of all cases, according to Trusted Source estimates.

Coughing is generally considered to be completely normal. Coughing can help clear your throat of dirt, mucus, and other irritants. But, persistent coughing can also be a sign of a number of medical problems which include; Viral infection, bacterial infection & allergies.

A cough may be relieved by specific natural treatments. Individuals who want to treat their cough with natural home remedies should look into brands and suppliers. People should be aware that some herbs and supplements may interact negatively with some drugs, leading to undesirable side effects.

Always get medical advice before taking supplements.

When to consult with Doctor?

If you also have any of the following symptoms in addition to your cough, consult a doctor:

  • Weakness
  • Fever
  • Blood
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chills
  • Dehydration

What are the Natural Remedies for Cough?

Some natural remedies that can help you get rid of a cold or cough are mentioned below.

1. Ginger Tea

Popular home remedy includes ginger. A great remedy for folks who have a cough is ginger tea. Ginger tea has a delicious flavor and only has a delicious flavor but also helps with cold and cough symptoms.

Drying out runny and drippy noses is one of the tea’s many benefits for eliminating mucus from the respiratory tract. The hot liquid can relieve the soreness, dryness, and mucus in your throat dryness, and mucus in your throat can be relieved by the hot liquid.

Ginger is believed to relieve the common cold and has other health benefits like accelerating recovery.

Heartburn, stomach pain, and throat irritation are all side effects of taking too much ginger.

How to make it?

Slice a piece of fresh ginger root to create ginger tea. Boil 1 cup of water in a pot for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on how strong you want your tea. Drink it hot.

2. Hot Drink

While hot beverages won’t help with a stuffy head, they can significantly better help with a cough than cold beverages. If you need relief, sip on hot tea, water & soup.

Warm water eases throat pain by flushing disease from the body and replacing lost fluids. You can get rid of a cough by consuming a lot of warm beverages.

Drinking water can help you stop coughing, which is primarily caused by dryness in your throat. Moreover, it helps thin mucus, which reduces coughing and congestion.

Cough sufferers frequently become dehydrated. Fluids not only help you stay hydrated but also strengthen your immune system so it can combat any virus or infection that may cause your cough and ease the sore throat that comes with it.

3. Honey

Honey is a well-known remedy for sore throats. Researchers looked at how honey affected children’s acute coughs and discovered that it may be a more effective cough suppressant than some over-the-counter drugs.

How to make it?

  • By mixing up to two teaspoons of honey with warm water, lemon, and herbal tea, you can create your own therapy at home.
  • While the honey calms, the lemon juice may help with congestion.
  • Two teaspoons of honey can be ingested or used as a snack by spreading it on bread.


  • Another effective home remedy for colds and coughs is a concoction of lemon, cinnamon, and honey. Colds and coughs are well treated with this syrup. 
  • Half a spoon of honey is mixed with a few drops of lemon juice and a dash of cinnamon. To treat the common cold and cough, consume this syrup twice a day.

4. Steam

Steam may be helpful for a wet cough, which is one that produces mucus or phlegm. It is advised to take a hot shower or bath and let the steam fill the room. Till the symptoms go away, they should spend a few minutes in this steam. 

How to take steam?

  • Firstly, a large bowl filled with hot water.
  • Add herbs or essential oils (The essential oils contribute to a slower rate of virus growth inside the body. The finest essential oils for colds are thyme, lemon, eucalyptus, peppermint, and cinnamon). They could ease congestion.
  • Lean over the bowl while wearing a handkerchief over your head.The steam is contained in this way, allowing for inhalation.
  • Over a period of 10 to 15 minutes, continue inhaling the steam.
  • A person may benefit from steaming if they do it once or twice each day.

5. Salt Water for Gargle

People have used saltwater gargles to help treat sore throats and cold-related symptoms for a very long time. Mucus may become more fluid, and some pain may lessen.

How to make?

  • Stir a half teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water until it dissolves.
  • Before gargling with the mixture, let it cool for a while.
  • Let the combination to sit at the back of the throat for a few seconds before spitting it up.

6. Marshmallow Root

The leaves and roots of the marshmallow plant have long been used as a remedy for coughs and sore throats.

According to a study, the relaxing action of the marshmallow plant on inflamed nasal and throat tissues makes it useful for lowering coughs. This might be due to the plant’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Furthermore, mucilage, which coats the throat and calms inflammation, is present in marshmallow root. Marshmallow root tea and capsules are also available. The hot tea could be beneficial if you have a cough and sore throat.


  • Although marshmallow roots and leaves are usually regarded as safe, doctors do not advise using them on young children.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric has been utilized for a number of ailments over the years, including coughing. Its main component, curcumin, has potent anti-inflammatory properties.

Black pepper can be taken with turmeric to improve its potency. This is due to piperine, the main component of black pepper, which raises turmeric’s bioavailability. This helps your body absorb turmeric. Warm turmeric tea or milk are good options. Add a pinch of black pepper and some honey for sweetness. You can also mix turmeric in warm water to have it.

7. Herbal Tea

Add black pepper, ginger, and tulsi to your tea to taste. This hot tea is very beneficial to your health. These three components are crucial in the fight against the common cold and cough.

8. Flaxseed

Another successful treatment for the common cold and cough is flaxseeds. Flaxseeds can be boiled until they become thick, then strained. It can be used with a few drops of lime juice and honey to treat colds and coughs. You can simply roast the flaxseed and eat it.

9. Garlic

Warm up a few garlic cloves in ghee and eat them. Although this mixture can be bitter, it has a wonderful relaxing effect on colds and coughs.

10. Jaggery

Jaggery, cumin, and black pepper are added to boiling water. You can relieve chest congestion by consuming this solution when it’s warm.

11. Tulsi

In Ayurveda, tulsi is known as “The Queen of Herbs” and “Mother Medicine of Nature.” Using tulsi leaves strengthens a person’s defenses against the common cold and cough.

Tulsi slows the onset of infections by raising the production of antibodies. There are cough-relieving effects of tulsi. It aids you in clearing the mucus from your cough, which clears the airways. When you wake up in the morning, chew four to five tulsi leaves. You can keep consuming Tulsi leaves to strengthen your defenses.

How to make Tulsi Kadha?

  • Collect some tulsi leaves. It should be well-cleaned.
  •  Tulsi leaves should be added to a pan of boiling water.
  • Add 5 to 6 peppercorns and 1 teaspoon of chopped ginger to it.
  • For a minimum of 10 minutes, boil the mixture.
  • To finish, stir in a dash of black salt and a half-lemon squeeze.
  • Give it one minute to stand.
  • After straining, enjoy it warm.

12. Clove

The anti-inflammatory properties of cloves, which are abundant, can be helpful when suffering from sinusitis, a sore throat, a cough, or other respiratory ailments. You can consume raw cloves by chewing on them, combining them with hot water, and drinking them in the morning, or even adding them to your cup of chai.

13. Mulethi (Licorice)

The Ayurvedic plant mulethi or licorice commonly referred to as “sweet wood,” is useful for coughing. Mulethi powder can help to lessen the excessive mucus production in the airways. The expectorant qualities of mulethi. The mucus that lining the airways is thinned and loosened by it. This lessens congestion and eases coughing.

How to take it?

Add 1 glass of warm water and 1 teaspoon of mulethi powder. Take this twice daily.

How to make Mulethi Kadha?

  • Combine 1/4 teaspoon mulethi powder with a few tulsi leaves, a pinch of cinnamon powder, and black pepper powder.
  • Include in a cup of boiled water. 5 minutes of simmering.
  • Pour to a cup and top with one teaspoon of honey.


You can also make Mulethi Tea.

14. Cinnamon

This woodsy, aromatic spice has a number of health benefits, including relief from colds and coughs. In addition to offering relief from a common cold, it is great for a sore throat.

Cinnamon’s antiviral qualities are well known. This supports in the battle against the common cold virus. Moreover, it possesses anti-inflammatory qualities that might help soothe sore throats.

How to take it?

You can make cinnamon tea or have it with one tablespoon of honey.

15. Giloy

A plant with heart-shaped leaves that resemble betel leaves is called giloy, also known as amrita or guduchi in Hindi. Colds and coughs brought on by allergic reactions to pollen, smoke, or smog can be treated with its help. Moreover, it helps with tonsillitis and the common cold. Moreover, it is the best plant for increasing immunity.

The anti-inflammatory properties of giloy are good. Sore throats and frequent coughing are reduced as a result.

How to take it?

  • You can take 2 tablespoon Giloy juice with warm water in the morning.
  • One Giloy pill may alternatively be taken with warm water.

16. Cardamom

Antioxidants are abundant in Cardamom. In reality, black cardamom aids in the treatment of cold and cough symptoms, and the oil made from its seeds functions as an antibacterial and is known to soothe sore throats. You can simply chew it or take it with warm water.

Additional Tips:

Think about doing the following things to assist prevent getting a cold:

  • Keep your distance from sick people.
  • Avoid going to work, school, or any other place where you will be in contact with people if you are sick. This could promote the health of others.
  • When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with anything, preferably a tissue, or cough into your elbow.
  • To stay hydrated, be sure you consume adequate liquids.
  • Keep your house, place of employment, or place of education’s common areas clean. For surfaces like worktops, toys, or mobile phones, this is especially crucial.
  • Wash your hands often, 20 seconds at a time, especially after coughing, eating, using the restroom, or tending to someone who is ill.
  • Try do not to touch your face, eyes, or nose.
  • Boost your immune system by eating a balanced diet full of foods high in vitamin C.
  •  Keep active by engaging in yoga or other forms of exercise.


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