Home Remedies To Remove Blackheads


Top Ten Home Remedies To Remove Blackheads

In an effort to remove blackheads, some people attempt to pop or squeeze them out. But doing so will make the issue worse, not better. You could leave a scar after removing the blackhead’s blocked sebum. Additionally, as time passes, more oil or germs will fill the open orifice. Additionally, there is a potential that not all of the blackheads will be removed, leaving some behind that could become infected later.

What is Blackheads?

Open comedones, commonly known as blackheads, are small, dark patches that can be seen on the skin. They are an acne subtype. Blackheads are open skin pores clogged with extra oil and dead skin. They frequently affect the back, chest, neck, and face.

Blackheads typically affect adolescents, however, they can affect people of any age. A blackhead form when the open skin pores become blocked with germs, dead skin cells, and oil. In the event of blackheads, the skin pores remain open. They become a whitehead as the pores close.

What Causes Blackheads?

Sebaceous glands are found throughout our skin, the majority of which are linked to a hair follicle. Sebum is an oily material that is produced by these glands. 

Comedones develop as a result of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle irritation. Open comedones are blackheads. A hair follicle or sebaceous gland inflammation may be brought on by any of the following factors:

  • Sebum production and androgen hormone production, such as testosterone, are both increased.
  • Unusual keratinization
  • An increase in acne-causing germs on the skin

Symptoms of Blackheads

On the skin, blackheads appear as dark, clearly visible pimples. They are simply a less severe kind of acne. Although they are not filthy, blackheads appear black on the skin’s surface because the sebum oxidizes when it comes into touch with the air.

What difference between Blackheads & Whiteheads

Blackheads are blocked hair follicles that have opened up at the skin’s surface. They have a dark appearance.

A white bulge called a whitehead is made up of clogged hair follicles that remain under the skin.

How to get rid of Blackheads at home?

You can apply a few of these natural home methods to get rid of blackheads without harming yourself:

  • Sugar or Salt Scrub

Use a salt or sugar scrub to smooth the skin’s surface. These materials’ natural roughness eliminates dead skin cells from the skin’s surface. With any cleanser, wash your face.

How to use it?

  • Apply sugar or salt to the area that is harmed.
  • For around 30 seconds, gently rub them on the skin in small, circular or rounded motions.
  • After finishing, properly rinse your face with water to get rid of all scrub residue.
  • The complete removal of the blackhead will be visible to you.


  • Baking Soda

It helps exfoliate dead skin cells and surplus sebum in addition to having antibacterial and antifungal qualities.

To get a smooth paste, combine 1 tbsp of baking soda with 2 tbsp of water. This should be applied to the troubled regions and left there for 15 to 20 minutes before being removed with warm water.

Use this consistently for optimum results.

  • Green Tea

A potent antioxidant is a green tea. Wet green tea leaves might help you minimize the amount of oil your skin produces. Numerous health advantages of green tea exist. The polyphenols in green tea are primarily responsible for health advantages. To combat bacteria, viruses, and free radicals, it functions as an antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral.

How to use it?

  • Combine some water and dried green tea leaves.
  • Use the damp leaves to gently massage your skin.
  • Use short, circular strokes to massage the region for up to 30 seconds.
  • After finishing, wash your face with water.


  • By Steaming

Be exceedingly cautious and delicate with your skin when extracting blackheads at home because doing so might clog pores and cause breakouts. To open the skin pores and free the debris inside of them, start by steaming. 

Let the water cool after bringing it to a boil. A bowl should be filled with water and set on a solid surface. As you sit in front of the bowl, your face should be about six inches above the bowl. To keep the steam within, drape a towel or sheet over your head and the bowl. Spend up to ten minutes inside. 

Utilize a blackhead extractor instrument that has been rubbing alcohol sterilized next. Press the loop face-down on the pore you wish to clean in a smooth sweeping motion to the side. Try again a few times if the plug doesn’t come out the first time. Avoid overdoing it to prevent skin damage. 

Sterilize the extractor tool between usage to avoid transferring dirt and bacteria between the pores. Never remove blackheads with your fingernails.

After finishing, soothe and decrease inflammation on your skin by using a gel mask. To shut the pores on your face, you might also brush an ice cube over it. Lightly moisturize the skin.

  • Egg and Honey

Blackheads can be removed by using egg white to constrict pores and sebaceous hair follicles. Honey moisturizes and nourishes skin.

With this method, getting rid of blackheads at home is straightforward. One egg white and one spoonful of honey should be combined. Use warm water to rinse. 

Utilization: each or every other week.

  • Oatmeal Scrub

Make a scrub with 1 tablespoon of oats, plain yogurt, and half a lemon juice. After 15 minutes, rinse your skin with lukewarm water to remove the scrub. In addition to removing blackheads, it gives the skin shine.

  • Milk and Honey

Heat the milk and honey for around 10 seconds. Use them on your blackheads once they have had time to cool. It should be covered with a new cotton strip, which you should leave in place for 15 minutes. The cotton strip should then be delicately removed, washed, and moisturized after that. Lactic acid and honey, both of which are antibacterial and support the body’s natural elimination mechanism, are both found in milk.

  • Cinnamon powder & Lemon

The use of cinnamon powder helps to tighten pores and increase blood flow. On the other hand, lemon possesses anti-bacterial characteristics that help in the fight against whiteheads, acne, and blackheads.

To form a smooth paste, combine 2 tablespoons each of lemon juice and cinnamon powder. Remove it by washing it with warm water after 20 minutes.

Utilization: Three to four times a week.

  • Turmeric and Coconut Oil

Strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects exist in turmeric. Coconut Oil moisturizes and calms skin, making them the ideal combination. This is one of the best at-home remedies for blackheads. One teaspoon of turmeric and one tablespoon of coconut oil should make a smooth paste. Apply the paste in little amounts to the troublesome regions and give it 10 to 15 minutes to perform its magic. Use lukewarm water to rinse. 

Utilization: Three to four times per week.

  • Tomato and Coffee

Take a half piece of tomato and put some coffee over it. Gently rub it over your blackhead area for 2-3 minutes. Wash it off with warm water. Apply some moisturizer on it. 

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