Benefits of Bamboo

About Bamboo One of the most useful and multipurpose forest tree grasses is bamboo. It is a member of the Poaceae family. Although there are more than 1250 different species of bamboo. They are most common in Southeast Asia. Bamboo is one of the most economically significant plants in the world. Bamboo shoots have more […]

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Benefits of Eucalyptus

Benefits of Eucalyptus

About Eucalyptus The huge genus Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) belongs to the Myrtaceae family and contains almost 900 species and subspecies. The second-largest genus after acacia. It is a tall, evergreen endemic to Australia and Tasmania. Aboriginal people used the eucalyptus plant for a variety of purposes in the past, including food and medicinal. The benefits

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Benefits of Yarrow

Benefits of Yarrow

About Yarrow Since ancient times, yarrow (Achillea L.), a widely used medicinal plant, has been traditionally used in various cultures. The name is Achillea refers to the fictional Achilles of the Iliad’s Trojan War, who healed the troops’ wounds with yarrow. The majority of Achillea species find application as therapeutically useful medicinal plants. In traditional

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Benefits of Almonds

Benefits of Almonds

About Almonds Almonds, belong to the Rosaceae family and are scientifically known as Prunus dulcis Miller D. A. Webb (the almond or sweet almond). These are currently in demand as healthy food with rising among consumers and farmers. Almond consumption leads to many therapeutic and health-protective advantages. Clinical research is able to confirm the benefits

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Benefits of Mugwort

Benefits of Mugwort

About Mugwort The mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L) is a species that has played a significant role in the history of medicine. In the Middle Ages, it was originally referred to as the “mother of herbs.” It is a typical grass plant that varies greatly geographically in terms of morphology and phytochemistry. Health Benefits of Mugwort

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Benefits of Tulsi

Benefits of Tulsi

About Tulsi Tulsi (holy basil) is a highly esteemed culinary and medicinal aromatic herb from the Lamiaceae family that is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. It has more than 3000 years of usage in Ayurvedic medicine. Tulsi is also known as an “Elixir of Life” in the Ayurvedic system for its therapeutic abilities and benefits

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Benefits of Ashwagandha

Benefits of Ashwagandha

About Ashwagandha A well-known herb in Ayurvedic medicine is ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and used as a nootropic, “Rasayana” (rejuvenator), and potent natural adaptogen. The herb extract is widely used for general health and specific ailments. However, very few studies have examined Ashwagandha’s safety and tolerability in people. A popular plant with many health advantages is

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Benefits of Coriander

Benefits of Coriander

One of the first spices utilized by humans was coriander. C. sativum. The benefits of coriander Seeds include cure pain, and rheumatoid arthritis, while coriander decoction heals mouth ulcers and eye redness. The use of coriander seeds to treat gastrointestinal issues such as flatulence, diarrhea, indigestion, and nausea. About Coriander Coriander, also known as Coriandrum

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Benefits of Fennel

Benefits of Fennel

It is a native of Europe and the Mediterranean region. It grows in temperate zones all over the world. An old seasonal herb is a fennel. The benefits of Fennel in diets enhance appetite, digestion, nutritional absorption, and immunity.  The fennel plant  now grows wild in Asia, North America, About Fennel Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.),

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Benefits of Ginger

Benefits of Ginger

The ginger plant is now grown throughout the humid tropics, with India being the greatest producer. Ginger was first produced by Indians and Chinese more than 5000 years as a tonic root to heal a variety of diseases. A family of plants that also comprises cardamom and turmeric includes ginger. There are many benefits of

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