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Chicken Chestnut

Chicken Chestnut is a popular dish in China. Autumn is a popular season for chestnut-themed dishes, but only Chicken Chestnut may possibly compete with local cuisine. The dish is traditional in Hunan, Jiangxi, and Sichuan provinces in northeastern China (eaten with fresh green peppers). Varieties from these regions are being prepared differently and have similar dishes in other regions. Chicken chestnut from Shandong “Braised Chicken Chestnut and “Braised chestnut chicken” from Fujian, Zhejiang, and Shanxi. For at least 2,000 years, chestnuts have been a popular snack in China.

Autumn is a popular time for braised chicken with chestnuts, and this isn’t simply because it makes people nostalgic or because the meat and nuts have rich flavors and soft textures from cooked slowly. Medical ideas assert that it also nourishes internal organs harmed by hot weather and frosty drinks in the summer and gives them the nutrition they require to get ready for the chilly winter.

How to prepare Chinese Chicken Chestnut?

Common ingredients needed for the preparation

  • Shiitake mushrooms.
  • Cut into four bite-sized pieces, 1.5 pounds of bone-in chicken leg quarters.
  • Three tablespoons of light soy sauce.
  • Chestnuts, either fresh, frozen, canned, or vacuum-sealed.
  • Peanut oil, two tablespoons (vegetable oil, or lard)
  • Green onions are cut into pieces of 2″ (5 cm) and one green onion is coarsely chopped.
  • Crushed garlic cloves
  •  Slices of ginger
  • Shaoxing wine – 3 teaspoons (or dry sherry)
  • 1/fourth cup dark soy sauce
  • Kosher salt, half a teaspoon
  • Tablespoons of rock sugar (or 1 tablespoon regular sugar)
  • Pod of star anise
  • Cinnamon stick.
  • A teaspoon of Sichuan peppercorns (optional)
  • Tablespoon of sesame oil (optional)

Chicken Chestnut Recipe:


  1. Mix 1/2 cup warm water with the shiitake mushrooms in a small bowl. The mushrooms should soak until completely tender. 
  2. After that, lightly rub the mushrooms to get rid of any surface dust. Squeeze the extra water out of the mushrooms, saving the soaking solution.
  3. Place the light soy sauce in a large bowl along with the chopped chicken. Mix thoroughly by tossing, then place aside.
  4. Using high heat, bring a small saucepan of water to a boil. Slice off the bases of fresh chestnuts before boiling them for three to five minutes. After finished, use a slotted spoon to transfer the chestnuts to a bowl. Rub gently so that you don’t burn yourself until the skins come off and the pale golden nut is exposed.
  5. Thoroughly dry. Boil the peeled, frozen chestnuts in accordance with the directions on the package (mine said 10 mins, but yours may be less).
  6. Add the oil to a medium-sized dutch oven or wok, and heat it until it is hot. Place the chestnuts in. Cook until slightly browned while occasionally stirring. Toss onto a platter.
  7. Then incorporate the soaking mushrooms, green onion, garlic, and ginger. Prepare till just barely browned. Add the chestnuts to the platter with the rest of the food.
  8. Without overlapping, add the chicken pieces (you might need to cook them in two batches). Flip after a few minutes have passed so that the other side can finish browning.
  9. Into the pan, add 1 & 1/2 cups of water. The browned parts at the bottom have separated using a spatula.
  10. Add the star anise pod, Sichuan peppercorns, black soy sauce, kosher salt, and Shaoxing wine. Reintroduce the aromatics and the cooked chestnuts. Most of the chicken needs dipping in the liquid. Otherwise, you can add a little more water.
  11. Simmer the broth until it just begins to simmer over medium-high heat. After that, alter the heat so that the broth maintains a low boil.
  12. Cook the chicken, uncovered, for 25 minutes, or until it becomes really tender. During the last 10 minutes of cooking, watch the chicken closely and give it a few gentle stirs.
  13. After the chicken has finished cooking, the broth needs to be thin enough to coat it. And once it has slightly cooled, it will thicken a little bit more.
  14. Transfer the chicken to a serving bowl and continue to reduce the liquid over high heat until it thickens if there is still too much broth but the chicken has already become extremely tender. You can decrease the sauce while keeping the chicken in the saucepan if it is not too tender.
  15. When finished, if using, drizzle sesame oil over the chicken. As a garnish, scatter chopped green onions.
  16. Serve hot with steamed rice.


  • Do not add the leftover bits from the bottom of the bowl when adding the 1/2 cup of the reserved mushroom soaking liquid.


What part of the chicken do you use? 

Chicken wings and drumsticks are commonly used in this dish. Using meat on the bone in the casserole gives it a stronger flavor. Also, the meat is much softer than chicken breast. It is recommended not to peel the skin, as the oil will come out and the taste will improve. Chicken broth is not required. 


Is the dish appropriate for kids?

Indeed, without a doubt. You may make it kid-friendly by removing the dried chilies. Furthermore recognized for its health advantages, chestnuts. If you are serving it to young children, just remember to remove the bones.


How long will the food last? 

Braised foods are ideal for cooking in large quantities because they always taste better the next day. To divide it among multiple meals, you can double or quadruple the quantity. The dish should be frozen in a freezer bag or an airtight container. For up to two months, they can last. Frozen food does not require thawing for warming. Steam over medium-high heat for 20 minutes. It doesn’t take long to heat up, but I always like to steam it a little longer so that the food gets really hot. heat and cover. The food will be able to defrost and cook simultaneously as a result.   However, the taste may lose its flavor halfway through, so add soy sauce or sugar to adjust the flavor. 

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