Know more about the top 24 famous Chinese food Chinese food has developed to incorporate a range of cooking techniques, ingredients, and styles chop suey

Chinese cuisine is as varied as its culture, with a distinct menu being created for each region. Cooking techniques, ingredients, and flavours all vary from one place to  dim sum


chinese food – Dim Sums – Chowmein – Fried Rice – Schezwan Chilli Chicken – Spring Rolls – Wonton Soup – Dumplings – Hot & Sour Soup – Zha Jiang Mian – Spicy Crayfish And more..

As a coastline province, Shandong’s cuisine is primarily composed of seafood and has its roots in East China.

Chopsticks are required for eating Chinese food, and you’ll find that most Chinese households follow this custom.

TiIndian Chinese cuisine is known to have originated in Kolkata, where a small Chinese population has lived for more than a century and won the hearts