Katihar District Village Directory, Katihar district, located in the state of Bihar, India, has 1,540 villages as per the 2011 Census. These villages are spread across various talukas of the district, including Amdabad, Azamnagar, Balrampur, Barari, Barsoi, Dandkhora, Falka, Hasanganj, Kadwa, Katihar, Korha, Kursela, Manihari, Mansahi, Pranpur, and Sameli. The district’s total population is over 2.7 million.
The Directory of Indian Village Information for States, Districts, and Talukas.
Village List by Taluka with Census Codes
Sl. No. | Taluka Name | Census Code | No. of Villages | Tehsil Population+ |
1 | Amdabad | 1157 | 51 | 167398 |
2 | Azamnagar | 1148 | 234 | 315610 |
3 | Balrampur | 1146 | 155 | 158976 |
4 | Barari | 1153 | 88 | 285381 |
5 | Barsoi | 1147 | 231 | 337778 |
6 | Dandkhora | 1150 | 50 | 68055 |
7 | Falka | 1142 | 72 | 155663 |
8 | Hasanganj | 1144 | 41 | 55906 |
9 | Kadwa | 1145 | 264 | 346902 |
10 | Katihar | 1151 | 31 | 80979 |
11 | Korha | 1143 | 84 | 282813 |
12 | Kursela | 1155 | 30 | 63928 |
13 | Manihari | 1156 | 62 | 164778 |
14 | Mansahi | 1152 | 26 | 84257 |
15 | Pranpur | 1149 | 85 | 144297 |
16 | Sameli | 1154 | 36 | 84486 |
The village population data for some villages is incomplete. The provided district and taluka population figures are approximate and based on the 2011 Census of India.
All village survey data for India is sourced from the Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 2015 (censusindia.gov.in). This data is made available through the Open Government Data Platform India and is published under the National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP).